@JuedSefer730 https://www.youtube.com/@MohammedJakalemAlabdulaANTIGD
This guy also doesn't seem to like GD.
reviewer lol
your walls
Chicago, IL
Joined on 10/26/22
@JuedSefer730 https://www.youtube.com/@MohammedJakalemAlabdulaANTIGD
This guy also doesn't seem to like GD.
He literally acts the same.
@G0ldcraft he got banned!
And he returned please report @JuedSeferX.
@G0ldcraft please report @JuedSeferX bro is ban evading.
This dude is a clown @JudeSeferX bro blocked me bro won't give up ?
This guy keeps ban evading @Sefer731Jued is their new account he is a troll.
@soundgd @Coolasp1e @VoytekMusic @OptimaYT4470 @MatrixSoundz @TheClickbaitArrow @G6400 ignore @JuedSeferLostAtTime he is a troll with no life what you can do is report him instead so he can get banned and god do I wish you can ban people from the device they are using from this site it solves the problem a ton as he will just keep ban evading his dedication is wild.
Also @g2961 please talk about this problem to Newgrounds he keeps ban evading we need a solution for this I am mentioning you as you have a lot of whistle points.
Y'all he's back again. I can't deal with this.
@PowerOfNG like honestly I'm just trying to get scouted in the Audio Portal. I don't want people getting turned away by his comments lol so if you know anyone with capability to stop this guy or SOMETHING then that'd be great.
Average Mohammed Ja'Kalem fan be like:
So true