
I am grass @PowerOfNG

Male, Jewish

experimental audio

your walls

Chicago, IL

Joined on 10/26/22

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@PowerOfNG I will continue to report his many alts. His ban evasions explain why there were two accounts that commented hate on GD on my music in the same fashion. The fact that he is determined enough to find my youtube channel is also concerning enough...

@Ryzmik @progamer870 @Solaraloe @rustic0290 @CDJeremy @Raylectro @ImKindaEpic5648 @Orenge1 If you see a user named @steelmagazine92 is a ban evader on Newgrounds named JuedSefer sending hate towards the GD Community and has been sending hateful and downright, racist things. Please report this user to TomFulp and get him banned. But he may come back as he has dedication.

Even though his name does not have JuedSefer in it it's really likely that it's him again, judging by his reviews.



I've seen him around yeah

I don't think it's super necessary to launch this giant brigade against him though, just block & report

I know it's the same guy lol my friend messaged him and he stopped :)

seeing this dude in my post pissed me off, idk what beef bro got with gd but he also mad annoying

hes back again

@stalespadxxx I am not even gonna bother I am just gonna report you to TomFulp, because I know you're JuedSeferX.

@PowerOfNG Even if he wasn't: That kind of behavior gets a user banned _no matter who they are_!
I reported them independently of you around the same time. This time they threw in a few "nice" (but moronic) reviews. Presumably to be "less obvious" or something. At this point I'd say they need professional help.

@PowerOfNG stalespad gone

@Yatsufusa he came back again. I reported @juedsefer67278 to TomFulp again, he keeps coming back, what a pest.

@PowerOfNG I mean... There is not much more I can say about that at this point.

The people running this site have made their position clear: They do _not_ want that person to be a user here.

A normal person will stop touching an electric fence after the first *bzzzt*. Even if they are not very bright. The same is true for animals...
By now, we can all imagine the kind of intelligence that person must possess... It's unfortunate, but mainly for them. They waste their life with bullshit nobody cares about, while we copy-paste the report from last time and push a button.

It's admirable that you report that kid when you notice them, but you shouldn't worry too much about it. Barely anybody paid attention to them in the first place. Whether they get caught in an hour or a month, the impact they leave is so forgettable that I had to read my comments again to remind myself what this even was about. ;)

@MatrixSoundz Tomf can ip ban. I PMed him.

juedsefer67278 got banned another one bites the dust