A user named @JuedSefer730 AKA @JuedSeferX for being highly racist and bullying Geometry Dash players calling it a dead game and just simple toxic behavior Newgrounds should ban this user to give them a slap on the head that this behavior is not acceptable. This place ain't Twitter it's not meant to be a toxic environment I can't tell if he is trying to speedrun a ban or is just a troll but all I know is this behavior is not acceptable.
Also @DJ-Nate he is talking about RobTop.
Being incredibly racist
Calling Geometry Dash a 'dead game' when let's be honest if he made a game it would not receive that much attention.
Also I don't think 242M downloads is considered dead also mods like Geode and the community keep the game alive and RobTop now tries to update it more frequently than in 2.1 this kid the type of person to bully somebody for playing a game they like.
Calling out an audio that is in-fact allowed as it is a remix that has used it's own instruments which is allowed.
Please do not harass anyone just simpily report them and that's it harassment just makes it worse.
Average Mohammed Ja'Kalem fan be like:
So true