WOAH!! 2!! THE SEQUEL!! WHEN!! 5/5!!
WOAH!! 2!! THE SEQUEL!! WHEN!! 5/5!!
okay bro i dont know but to rate this Racist/5 but its funny because you made it a song, so 3.5/5 (I found this through GD, I did not search it okay?)
Holy god this goes hard, I have never played Sonic, I saw some clips of it, BUT DAMN THIS SONG GOES HARD! 5/5
Fantasitc work, definitely not the same of the original but it still sounds awesome! 5/5
What I didn't know this was in ULTRAKILL (I never played ULTRAKILL) I remember listening to this 2022 and hearing this in GD, I never knew this would be in this game. Good song. 5/5
How would ParagonX9 hate this masterpiece?!?
Heard this in 2020, forgot to review it, just fantastic work, I like the Dubstep sounds and the beats and the vocal chops, they just go together 5/5.
Damn, bro this is fire, it definitely reminds me of Euphoria, I wish you finished this, I really like this song, and your style it's very unique, although I do wish it was longer.
Also maybe if it's a sequel to Euphoria name it to Nighttime..
Anyway, fantastic work. 5/5
cool mario kart 8 deluxe remake 5/5
reviewer lol
your walls
Chicago, IL
Joined on 10/26/22