Ignore @JuedSeferX ban evading on a new account his old account was @JuedSefer730 he is a troll.
Anyway good song 5/5
Ignore @JuedSeferX ban evading on a new account his old account was @JuedSefer730 he is a troll.
Anyway good song 5/5
Found a gem just wished it was used in GD. Also hi Duffany1 if you still use this site anymore :/
This definitely reminds me of Sinusoidal Depleneration because of that drop this definitely is you for sure amazing song man!
Ignore JuedSeferX he is a troll.
This song is good fr.
It was actually pretty rushed at the time, but thank you.
I plan to release a better one at some point anyway.
@G0ldcraft a full 5 stars is impossible to get only songs that have like one vote or only have can get 5 stars and to get a full 5 stars everyone has to vote 5 stars which is impossible for very popular songs not even the most viewed song can get 5 stars.
Anyway about this song it is pretty good sounds a bit like Dubstep and House mixed to together to create some sort of Complextro the drop is pretty good too I like it. 5/5
So good man epic drop too!
ayy thanks man!
You make the most unique and one of the best drops
You made this with only GD SFX? Impressive.
Song is not allowed for use.
Not going to lie I honestly miss your 2011-2012 style like the Theory of Everything 2 style goes so hard and I kinda want it back but this is a good song either way also I am excited for the Beginning of Time remake. Anyway great song. 5/5
Also @dj-Nate @JuedSefer730 might be a troll and they are calling those names to RobTop so just letting you know that and they said racist things as well.
pretty good
reviewer lol
your walls
Chicago, IL
Joined on 10/26/22